So, you’re working with VBA and need to save your Excel workbook? No worries, you’ve come to the right place!
VBA has the SAVE method you can use to save Excel workbooks easily.
In this tutorial, I will show you several examples where you can use VBA to save an Excel workbook.
Table of Contents
We use the ‘Save’ method to save a workbook in its current location with its current name.
Here’s the code to save the active or current workbook:
Sub SaveCurrentWorkbook() ' Save the current workbook ThisWorkbook.Save End Sub
This code saves the workbook that contains the VBA macro code when you run it. It does so by using the ThisWorkbook.Save method, which specifically targets the workbook where the code is located and saves any changes you’ve made.
To save a workbook that is not the current workbook, we must specify the name of the workbook. For instance, the following code saves a workbook called “Sales.”
Sub SaveNonCurrentWorkbook() ' Save the workbook named "Sales.xlsx" Workbooks("Sales.xlsx").Save End Sub
The code saves a workbook named “Sales.xlsx” that is currently open in Excel. It uses the Workbooks collection to specify which workbook to save by providing the name “Sales.xlsx”. The .Save method is then applied to save that specific workbook.
Note: The target workbook must be open for this code to work. Otherwise, VBA will throw runtime error 9: subscript out of range.
If the current workbook has never been saved, VBA will prompt you to save it as a macro-free (*.xlsx) or macro-enabled workbook (*.xlsm).
If you click “Yes,” the workbook will be saved as a macro-free workbook (*.xlsx). If you click “No,” VBA will throw a runtime error 1004.
If you want to retain the code in the workbook, you must save the workbook as a macro-enabled workbook (*.xlsm) using the Excel user interface options.
To save all open workbooks, we use the ‘Save’ method in a “For Each Next” loop to loop through all open workbooks and save them individually.
The following code saves all open workbooks:
Sub SaveOpenWorkbooks() ' Declare a variable of Workbook type Dim wb As Workbook ' Loop through each open workbook For Each wb In Workbooks ' Save the current workbook in the loop wb.Save Next wb End Sub
This code automatically saves all open workbooks in Excel. It first declares a Workbook object variable, wb.
Then, it uses a For Each loop to iterate through each workbook in the Workbooks collection.
Inside the loop, the .Save method is called on the wb object, saving each workbook one at a time. This is useful if you have multiple workbooks open and you want to ensure that all of them are saved with their latest changes.
If we want to save a workbook under a different name or location, we use the ‘SaveAs’ method, as it allows us to specify the filename and other options.
Understanding the syntax and parameters of the ‘SaveAs’ method is crucial for practical application.
The syntax of the ‘SaveAs’ method is as follows:
Workbook.SaveAs(Filename, FileFormat, Password, WriteResPassword, ReadOnlyRecommended, CreateBackup, AccessMode As xlSaveAsAccessMode = xlNoChange, ConflictResolution, AddToMru, TextCodepage, TextVisualLayout, Local, Workidentity)
Let’s break down the parameters:
Here are three examples of how to use the ‘SaveAs’ method:
The following code will save the current workbook with a different name in the default location (usually the “Documents” folder) in the current Excel format:
Sub Example_1() ' Save the current workbook with a new name "Sales Report" ThisWorkbook.SaveAs "Sales Report" End Sub
The code saves the current workbook under a new name, “Sales Report”. It uses the SaveAs method on the ThisWorkbook object, specifying the new name as an argument.
Note that the workbook will be saved in the default Excel format in the directory where the original workbook resides, unless you specify a different path or format. Keep in mind that if a file with the same name already exists in the directory, this operation will overwrite that file without asking for confirmation.
Note: If the current workbook has never been saved, VBA will prompt you to save it as a macro-free (*.xlsx) or macro-enabled workbook (*.xlsm).
If you choose “Yes,” the workbook will be saved without macros in the .xlsx format. If you choose “No,” VBA will generate a runtime error 1004.
If you want to keep the code in the workbook, save it as a macro-enabled workbook (*.xlsm) using Excel’s user interface options.
The following code will save the current workbook with a different name in a specified location in the current Excel format:
Sub Example_2() ' Save the current workbook in a specific directory with the name "Sales Report" ThisWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Excel Tutorials\Sales Report" End Sub
This code saves the current workbook with a new name, “Sales Report,” in a specific directory (“C:\Excel Tutorials”). It utilizes the SaveAs method on the ThisWorkbook object and provides the full file path as an argument.
If a file with the same name already exists in that directory, it will be overwritten without any confirmation prompt. Make sure the specified directory exists, otherwise, you will get an error.
The following code will save the current macro-enabled workbook (*.xlsm) with a different name in a specified location in the default Excel format (*.xlsx):
Sub Example_3() ' Save the current workbook in a specific directory with the name "2023 Sales Report" and in .xlsx format ThisWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Excel Tutorials\2023 Sales Report", FileFormat:=51 End Sub
This code saves the current workbook with the name “2023 Sales Report” in a specified directory (“C:\Excel Tutorials”) and sets the file format to Excel 2007-2019 workbook (.xlsx).
The SaveAs method of ThisWorkbook is used, and the FileFormat parameter is set to 51, which corresponds to the .xlsx format.
Providing a FileFormat allows you to ensure that the workbook is saved in the desired format. Be cautious, as an existing file with the same name will be overwritten without any warning. Also, ensure the directory exists to avoid errors.
Note: If the current workbook has never been saved, VBA will prompt you to save it as a macro-free (*.xlsx) or macro-enabled workbook (*.xlsm). Click “Yes” to continue saving as a macro-free workbook.
The following code will save the current workbook with the default CSV settings with a specified name in a specified path:
Sub Example_4() ' Declare a String variable to hold the file name Dim MyFileName As String ' Set the file name and directory MyFileName = "C:\Excel Tutorials\Population.csv" ' Save the current workbook as a CSV file in the specified directory ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=MyFileName, FileFormat:=xlCSV End Sub
The code saves the current workbook as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. It first declares a string variable, MyFileName, to store the full file path and name.
Then it uses ThisWorkbook.SaveAs to save the workbook, specifying both the Filename and FileFormat parameters.
The FileFormat is set to xlCSV, which is Excel’s internal code for the CSV file format. This is useful if you need to save your Excel data in a format that can be easily imported into other software.
Note that when saved as a CSV, only the active sheet’s data will be saved. Also, ensure the specified directory exists to prevent any errors.
We use the ‘SaveCopyAs’ method to duplicate the current workbook and save it with a different name or location.
Note: The ‘Save’ method saves changes to the current workbook, while the ‘SaveAs’ method saves the current workbook under a new name or format. However, the ‘SaveCopyAs’ method creates a duplicate copy of the workbook and keeps the original workbook open and unchanged.
The syntax for the ‘SaveCopyAs’ method is as follows:
Here, “Workbook” is the workbook you want to save a copy of, and “Filename” is the path and name for the copy of the workbook that you wish to create.
Example of using the ‘SaveCopyAs’ method in Excel VBA:
Sub WorkbookSaveAsCopy() ' Save a copy of the active workbook in a specified directory with the name "2024 Sales Report.xlsx" ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "C:\Excel Tutorials\2024 Sales Report.xlsx" End Sub
This code saves a copy of the currently active workbook as “2024 Sales Report.xlsx” in the “Excel Tutorials” folder on the C drive.
Note: The ‘SaveCopyAs’ method is helpful when creating backup copies or duplicate workbooks for different purposes without modifying the original.
Sometimes, you may want to save a specific worksheet from the current workbook as a separate file.
The example code below saves the current worksheet in a new workbook using the default settings:
Sub SaveCurrentWorksheetAsNewWorkbook() ' Declare variables for the new workbook and the current worksheet Dim NewWorkbook As Workbook Dim CurrentSheet As Worksheet ' Set the current worksheet to the active sheet of the workbook containing this code Set CurrentSheet = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet ' Create a new workbook Set NewWorkbook = Workbooks.Add ' Copy the current worksheet to the new workbook CurrentSheet.Copy Before:=NewWorkbook.Sheets(1) ' Save the new workbook in a specified directory with the name "2023 Sales.xlsx" NewWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Excel Tutorials\2023 Sales.xlsx" End Sub
This code saves the currently active worksheet from the workbook containing the code as a new workbook.
It first declares variables for the new workbook and the active worksheet. It then sets the CurrentSheet variable to the active worksheet of the workbook containing the code.
A new workbook is created and stored in the NewWorkbook variable. The Copy method is then used to copy CurrentSheet to the new workbook, placing it before the first worksheet.
Finally, the new workbook is saved using the SaveAs method, specifying the location and name (“2023 Sales.xlsx”) for the new workbook.
This is useful for isolating a worksheet and saving it separately without affecting the original workbook. Make sure the directory exists to prevent any errors.
Sometimes, you may want to save a workbook with a timestamp. This approach creates unique filenames with the current date and time to avoid overwriting previous workbook versions.
To save a workbook with a timestamp, you can modify the filename to include the current date and time as part of the filename.
The following code saves the current workbook with a timestamp:
Sub SaveWorkbookWithTimestamp() ' Declare a String variable to hold the workbook name Dim WorkbookName As String ' Generate the workbook name with a timestamp WorkbookName = "Sales Report_" & Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss") ' Save the current workbook with the generated name ThisWorkbook.SaveAs WorkbookName End Sub
This code saves the current workbook with a name that includes a timestamp.
It first declares a variable called WorkbookName to hold the name of the workbook.
Then it generates this name by appending a timestamp to “Sales Report_” using the Format and Now functions.
The timestamp format is “yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss”.
Finally, it saves the workbook with this dynamically generated name using ThisWorkbook.SaveAs method.
This is especially useful if you need to save multiple versions of a workbook and want to avoid overwriting previous versions.
We use the ‘SaveAsXMLData’ method to save a workbook in XML Data format. This method is typically used when you want to export data from an Excel workbook to an XML file while preserving the structure and formatting of the data.
This process is beneficial when you exchange data with other applications or systems requiring XML format.
XML(eXtensible Markup Language) is a plain text-based file format used to store and transport structured data in a human and machine-readable way.
XML is not meant to display data but to store and exchange data, making it a widely used format for data representation, configuration files, and data interchange between different systems and platforms.
Here’s the syntax for the ‘SaveAsXMLData’ method:
expression.SaveAsXMLData(Filename As String, Map As xlMap)
Note: expression is a variable representing a workbook object.
Here’s the explanation of the parameters:
Note: This method results in a run-time error if Excel cannot export data with the specified schema map.
Here is an example of how to use the ‘SaveAsXMLData’ in VBA:
Sub SaveWorkbookAsXML() ' Ignore errors and proceed to the next line On Error Resume Next ' Declare a Workbook variable to hold the active workbook Dim wb As Workbook ' Set the active workbook to the Workbook variable Set wb = ActiveWorkbook ' Declare an XmlMap variable to hold the XML Map Dim xmlMap As XmlMap ' Assign the XmlMap named "MyXmlMap" to the XmlMap variable Set xmlMap = wb.XmlMaps("MyXmlMap") ' Check if the specified XmlMap is available in the workbook If xmlMap Is Nothing Then ' Display an error message if XmlMap is not found MsgBox "XML Map 'MyXmlMap' not found in the active workbook." Else ' Save the workbook as an XML file using the specified XmlMap wb.SaveAsXMLData "C:\Excel Tutorials\ExportedFile.xml", xmlMap End If ' Reset error handling to default behavior On Error GoTo 0 End Sub
This code exports data mapped to the ‘MyXmlMap’ schema map to an XML file named ‘ExportedFile.xml’ in the ‘C:\Excel Tutorials’ folder if the schema map exists in the active workbook.
Note: When working with XML data in Excel VBA, it’s essential to have a good understanding of XML concepts and structures. This understanding is crucial if you need to create custom mappings or work with complex XML structures.
The code is designed to save an Excel workbook as an XML file using a specified XML Map (“MyXmlMap“).
It first sets up an error handler using On Error Resume Next, which allows the code to continue running even if an error occurs.
The workbook that’s currently active is then set to the wb variable. An XmlMap variable is defined and set to the XML Map named “MyXmlMap” in the workbook.
If the XML Map is not found, a message box will pop-up to inform you. Otherwise, the workbook will be saved as an XML file in the specified directory.
Finally, the error handler is reset using On Error GoTo 0.
This script is useful when you want to export your workbook data to XML format, provided an XML Map is available in your workbook. Make sure the directory exists to avoid errors.
This tutorial covered seven different scenarios for saving workbooks using VBA. We hope you found the tutorial helpful.
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I am a huge fan of Microsoft Excel and love sharing my knowledge through articles and tutorials. I work as a business analyst and use Microsoft Excel extensively in my daily tasks. My aim is to help you unleash the full potential of Excel and become a data-slaying wizard yourself.