Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Street address (house number).
Maintained by: Survey Section
Description: Indicates preliminary and approximate locations of survey plans and SRW's that have not yet been added to the City's cadastral spatial data.
Maintained by: Survey Section
Description: BCGS Boundaries identify the British Columbia Geographic System designation or designations shown immediately after the BCGS title using the 6 minute latitude and 12 minute longitude breakdown.
Maintained by: GIS Section and Land Development
Description: Describes the land surrounding a development that will benefit from connecting to new infrastructure made available from a particular development, thus dictating costs for future developments on the benefiting lands.
Maintained by: Planning
Description: A building footprint is captured by the boundary of the exterior walls of a building. In the absence of exterior walls, the building footprint is the area under the horizontal projection of the roof. Building footprints were created using 2010 Aerial Photos.
Move up to Index City Centre Sub-Area
Maintained by: Planning
Description: A sub-area of the Communities layer, this area and its boundary is used for administrative convenience only and has no official status.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Proposed lots and road allowances. This data is preliminary and subject to change.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: The limits of 3 Party Easement (3PE) (Property rights between private owners) & Restrictive Covenant (RC) (Limiting property rights or uses), and other encumbrances registered in the name of private owners or the City. Not all legal encumbrances are necessarily shown. All land title information regarding 3 Party Easement & Restrictive Covenant including ownership and limitations must be confirmed at the New Westminster Land Title Office. Data shown on this layer is provided for information purposes only.
Move up to Index FRPA Foreshore Tenure
Maintained by: Fraser River Port Authority (FRPA)
Description: Lease parcels and other foreshore tenures that are managed by the FRPA. Each parcel is labeled with the FRPA file number. This data is provided for general information purposes only and may not be current or accurate. For further information please contact the FRPA .
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Used to link a lot that has been separated by a road, park, lot, or watercourse. All legal survey information must be confirmed at the New Westminster Land Title Office.
Move up to Index Integrated Survey Area
Maintained by: Survey Section
Description: An Integrated Survey Area (ISA) provides a network of control monumentation surveyed to a higher order that is maintained jointly by Local and Provincial Government. The local government maintains the physical monumentation while the provincial government maintains the information about the control monumentation in the MASCOT database. The control monumentation within ISA No.1 (Surrey) acts as the horizontal and vertical reference system for all points located within the ISA boundary. As well, all legal surveys completed with an ISA must be geo-referenced to the control monumentation within the ISA.
Move up to Index Legal Plan Boundaries (all)
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Shows the extent of each legal survey plan, including a history of all legal plans to date. All legal survey information must be confirmed at the New Westminster Land Title Office. This data originates in the Survey Section and is forwarded to the GIS Section for input through formal business processes.
Move up to Index Legal Plan Boundaries (current)
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Shows the extent of each current legal survey plan. All legal survey information must be confirmed at the New Westminster Land Title Office. This data originates in the Survey Section and is forwarded to the GIS Section for input through formal business processes.
Move up to Index Legal Plan Boundaries (early copy)
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Shows the extent of each proposed legal survey plan. All legal survey information must be confirmed at the New Westminster Land Title Office. This data originates in the Survey Section and is forwarded to the GIS Section for input through formal business processes.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: A representation of the legal boundaries shown on registered legal survey plans. All legal survey information must be confirmed at the New Westminster Land Title Office.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Approximate lot dimensions (in metres). All lot dimension information must be confirmed at the New Westminster Land Title Office.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: The lot number that is indicated on the registered plan of subdivision. All legal survey information must be confirmed at the New Westminster Land Title Office.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Indicates ownership of government, utility company, and railway lands. All land ownership information must be confirmed at the New Westminster Land Title Office.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Indicates the limits of primary parcels such as District Lots and Sections. All legal survey information must be confirmed at the New Westminster Land Title Office.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: The limits of Statutory Right of Way and other encumbrances registered in the name of the City or GVRD. Not all legal encumbrances are necessarily shown. Utility Rights of way are corridors for major utilities such as overhead transmission lines and underground pipelines. All land title information must be confirmed at the New Westminster Land Title Office.
Maintained by: Survey Section
Description: Posting plans are prepared by BC Land Surveyors to re-define property corners with new survey monuments. The "Posting Plan" layer shows the extents of the posting plans that are on file at the City of Surrey. Not all posting plans are necessarily shown. All posting plan information must be confirmed at New Westminster Land Title Office.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: The approximate width of the road allowance at a particular location. All road width information is subject to confirmation at New Westminster Land Title Office or by field survey performed by a British Columbia Land Surveyor.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: A grid based reference which divides the City of Surrey into 140 map tiles, each approximately 8 square blocks, or about one square mile in size. The tiles are uniquely numbered and are sometimes used internally as a locational reference tool.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Integrated Survey Control Monuments and benchmarks. Please call the Survey Section to confirm coordinate and elevation information (604-591-4253).
Move up to Index All City Facilities
Maintained by: GIS Section, Parks, or Facilities
Description: Public and Private facilities located or operating within the City of Surrey.
Move up to Index Garbage and Recycling Collection Boundaries
Maintained by: Solid Waste Section, Engineering Operations
Description: Boundaries outlining areas of garbage and recycling collection by their standard pickup day.
Move up to Index Garbage and Recycling Collection Rear Laneways
Maintained by: Solid Waste Section, Engineering Operations
Description: Supplementary road information depicting all households that have rear laneway collection. This is to advise collection crews and staff that collection occurs from the rear laneway rather than from curbside. A list of these laneways is maintained exclusively by Operations.
Move up to Index Garbage and Recycling Collection Route Boundaries
Maintained by: Solid Waste Section, Engineering Operations
Description: Bounding areas of garbage and recycling pick up, by day of the week and route number (Monday/100 to Friday/500).
Move up to Index Garbage and Recycling Collection Secondary Suites
Maintained by: Solid Waste Section, Engineering Operations
Description: Secondary suites receiving curbside garbage & recycling collection service and are entitled to one garbage can or bag at curbside during collection. The list of secondary suites is taken from the City's Taxation system, as taxes maintains the list for billings.
Move up to Index Garbage and Recycling Collection Strata Complexes
Maintained by: Solid Waste Section, Engineering Operations
Description: Townhouse complexes in the each collection day that the City provides curbside garbage & recycling services too. This data originates as a result of Service Agreements between the City and the Complex.
Move up to Index Garbage and Recycling Centres
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Garbage Transfer Station, bottle depots, and places that recycle used oil.
Move up to Index Recycling Toter Collection Complexes
Maintained by: Solid Waste Section, Engineering Operations
Description: Townhouse, apartment and condo complexes in the each collection day that the City provides recycling services to. This data originates as a result of Service Agreements between the City and the Complex and is also tracked in the City's Taxation system. Operations updates GIS data when a Service Request for Toter Delivery is generated.
Move up to Index Adult / Continuing Education
Maintained by: GIS Section, Parks, or Facilities
Description: Academic Institutions that provide education to adults.
Maintained by: GIS Section, Parks, or Facilities
Description: Academic Institutions that provide formal education to children from ages four to eight.
Move up to Index Elementary School Catchments
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Residential boundaries for students attending a particular elementary school.
Maintained by: GIS Section, Parks, or Facilities
Description: A collection of literary documents and records that are stored for public reference or borrowing
Maintained by: GIS Section, Parks, or Facilities
Description: Universities, Colleges, or Institutes of Technology that provide a higher level of education and award academic degrees or professional certifications.
Maintained by: GIS Section, Parks, or Facilities
Description: Academic Institutions that are independent and not administered by local, state or national governments. Private Schools are controlled privately and are financially supported by endowment and tuition.
Maintained by: GIS Section, Parks, or Facilities
Description: Provides a wide range of services to schools and school administrators. Services include staffing, evaluation of staff, day-to-day operational issues and safety of students.
Maintained by: GIS Section, Parks, or Facilities
Description: Academic Institutions that provide formal education to intermediate students usually from grades 8 to 12.
Move up to Index Secondary School Catchments
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Residential boundaries for students attending a particular secondary school.
Maintained by: Facilities
Description: Facility where firefighters reside and where firefighting apparatus such as fire engines and related vehicles, protective equipment, fire hoses and other fire extinguishing equipment are stored.
Maintained by: Fire Department
Description: An area or catchment boundary to which each Fire Hall patrols.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: An institution that provides medical, surgical or pyschiatric care and treatment to individuals who are sick or injured.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Legal offices that provide effective dispute resolution services for individuals, businesses and the public sector.
Maintained by: Surrey RCMP
Description: Atoms are the smallest geographical (sub) areas for which we gather (amalgamated/collate) crime stat information. Groupings of atoms comprise the Policing Districts within the City of Surrey. These areas and their boundaries are used only for compilation and analysis of crime occurrence and calls for service data, and have no official status.
Maintained by: Surrey RCMP
Description: General areas within the City of Surrey served by our Community Policing (District) offices. These areas also provide a basis for the deployment of General Duty resources in response to calls for service (i.e., Patrol Zones). Each Policing District has an assigned District Commander to provide local level leadership and coordination of community policing efforts (e.g., community liaison, local issue identification, problem-oriented policing response, crime prevention). These areas and their boundaries are used primarily for administrative convenience, and have no official status.
Maintained by: Facilities
Description: Headquarters for policemen and serves as a place from which policemen are dispatched and where arrested persons are brought in.
Move up to Index Agricultural Land Reserve
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Boundaries for the provincial Agricultural Land Reserve.
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Aquatic Hubs are large contiguous or near contiguous areas of Streams, wetlands, and foreshore areas, within or immediately adjacent to Surrey with complex ecological processes identified in the Surrey Ecosystem Management Study (EMS) that are at least 10 inches size.
Move up to Index Archaeologically Sensitive Areas
Maintained by: Ministry of Environment
Description: Boundaries marking Archaeologically Sensitive Areas. Digging must not occur in these areas without proper approval.
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Subdivision and development information in effect on properties (as passed by Council and consistent with Amanda data) and where to find the documents in Building File Registry (a.k.a. Records).
Move up to Index Business Improvement Areas
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Areas designated by By-Laws for a set period of time where the properties are assessed an annual levy based on a specific formula, which is collected as part of the annual tax bill. The funds collected by the City are then returned to the BIA Association to be used for promotion within the designated area.
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Proposed Land Use plan, based on the Surrey Official Community Plan.
Move up to Index Concept Plan Cul-de-Sacs
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Proposed and Existing cul-de-sacs that make up Concept Plans.
Move up to Index Concept Plan Existing Creeks
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Creeks that are protected as part of Concept Plans.
Move up to Index Concept Plan Parks and School Parks
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Parks and School Parks that are part of Concept Plans.
Move up to Index Concept Plan Roads
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Citywide existing and proposed roads to be incorporated in the transportation system, as dictated by the Concept Plans.
Move up to Index Concept Plan Road Closures
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Existing and Proposed road closures that are part of Concept Plans.
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Historic and current sites of Land Development Applications (rezoning, subdivision etc) submitted to the City of Surrey.
Move up to Index Development Concept Plans
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Development Concept Plans are older plans that may be replaced by newer NCP areas where there is overlap. They are plans that contain policy that define more specific land uses than defined by Surrey's Generalized Land Uses. These plans set out policy framework for the development of the plan area. Primarily, these plans main focus is to define any 'Urban Design Concepts' and 'Design Guidelines' that are relevant to the plan area. Often there are amendments to the current land use designations in the OCP that are required to implement the Town Centre Land Use Plan.
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Ecosystem Corridor Opportunities include linear pathways identified in the Surrey Ecosystem Management Study (EMS) that offer possible species and ecological process connections between ecosystem hubs that include a 100 meter wide study area.
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Ecosystem Sites are smaller areas of natural vegetation with complex ecological processes identified in the Surrey Ecosystem Management Study (EMS) that are between 0.25 and 10 hectares in size.
Move up to Index Engineering Development Boundaries
Maintained by: GIS Section and Land Development
Description: Historic and current sites of applications for City Infrastructure (water mains, sanitary sewer, roads etc.) not related to rezoning or subdivision applications.
Move up to Index General Land Use Plans
Maintained by: Planning
Description: General Land Use Plans provide an overall planning framework that will act as a guide for the preparation of Neighbourhood Concept Plans ("NCPs") that will allow for the servicing, development and build-out of the plan area as a comprehensively planned community.
Move up to Index Green Infrastructure Network
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Terrestrial Hubs are large contiguous or near contiguous areas of natural upland vegetation with complex ecological processes identified in the Surrey Ecosystem Management Study (EMS) that are at least 10 inches in size. Aquatic Hubs are large contiguous or near contiguous areas of Streams, wetlands, and foreshore areas, within or immediately adjacent to Surrey with complex ecological processes identified in the Surrey Ecosystem Management Study (EMS) that are at least 10 inches in size.
Maintained by: Planning Department
Description: Heritage routes are locations having specific Heritage status and are included on the Surrey Heritage Register.
Maintained by: Planning Department
Description: Heritage sites are locations having specific Heritage status and are included on the Surrey Heritage Register.
Maintained by: Planning Department
Maintained by: Parks Division (public property trees); Planning (private property trees)
Description: : Important trees are those trees that have been set aside as examples of significant trees under Surrey's Tree Preservation By-Law and/or listed on Surrey's Heritage Register and/or identified by the Heritage Advisory Commission.
Move up to Index Land Use Plan Boundaries
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Outlines of Local Area, General Land Use and Town Centre plan boundaries.
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Local Area Plans are older plans that may be replaced by newer NCP areas where there is overlap. These plans contain policy that define more specific land uses than defined by Surrey's Generalized Land Uses. These plans set out a policy framework for the development of the plan area. The policies of the plan reflect existing policies of the OCP, policies of Council, and values of the majority of the community.
Move up to Index Land Use Contract Boundaries
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Boundaries for current Land Use Contracts specifying allowable land uses on the subject properties.
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Land Use Designations (by neighbourhood) for particular types of land uses as defined by Surrey's Neighbourhood Community Plans (NCPs).
Maintained by: Drainage and GIS Section
Description: Applications must be consistent with Provincial BMP�s for Raptor Conservation During Urban and Rural Development in BC or Protected Nest Management Plan. Vegetated Buffer restricts vegetation and tree removal within the Vegetation Buffer area. Noise Buffer restricts noisy activities within the Noise Buffer area while the nest site is considered active (generally February 15 - September 1).
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Reported Nest locations of Provincial Wildlife Act, Section 34(b) wildlife including; bald eagles, great blue herons, osprey. Please call City of Surrey, Environmental Coordinator to verify data (604-591-4691)
Move up to Index Official Community Plan
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Land Use Designations for particular types of land uses as defined by Surrey's Official Community Plan.
Maintained by: GIS Section and Land Development
Description: Describes property locations that have requested information prior to a formal application being submitted.
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Terrestrial Hubs are large contiguous or near contiguous areas of natural upland vegetation with complex ecological processes identified in the Surrey Ecosystem Management Study (EMS) that are at least 10 inches in size.
Move up to Index Town Centre Land Use Plans
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Town Centres define Surrey's Municipal Town Centres as defined by Metro Vancouver's 'Livable Region Strategic Plan'. These plans contain policy that define more specific land uses than defined by Surrey's Generalized Land Uses. These plans set out policy framework for the development of the plan area. These plans also define any 'Urban Design Concepts' and 'Design Guidelines' that are relevant to the plan area. Often there are amendments to the current land use designations in the OCP that are required to implement the Town Centre Land Use Plan.
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Current boundaries identifying allowable land uses on the subject properties as defined by the Surrey Zoning By-law 12000 or other relevant By-law.
Move up to Index Zoning Small Lot Single Family
Maintained by: Planning
Description: Lots created through subdivision in each zone shall conform to one of the lot types which define the minimum standards for lot subdivision. Lot types for each zone define the building envelop in terms of front, rear, side yard setbacks for the principal and accessory buildings and structures.
Figure 1. Description of Lot Types
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: An enclosed area designed for the presentation of sporting events and artistic performances.
Move up to Index Park Courts and All Weather Fields
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays court and all-weather field playing surfaces that are maintained and/or operated by the City of Surrey Parks Division. Feature types that are included in this layer are All-weather Fields, Games Courts, Lacrosse Boxes, Tennis Courts, Volleyball Courts, and Skate Parks.
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: An enclosed area designated for dogs to roam freely without wearing a leash.
Move up to Index Park Drainage Lines
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays drainage lines that are maintained and/or operated by the City of Surrey Parks Division. This layer is in its very early stages of development and, thus, very few features are identified.
Move up to Index Park Drainage Points
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays drainage points that are maintained and/or operated by the City of Surrey Parks Division. Feature types that are included in this layer are Catch Basins, Storm Manholes, and Headwalls.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: A course consisting of a large landscaped area designed for playing golf.
Move up to Index Park Horticultural Beds
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays horticulture bed polygons that are maintained and/or operated by the City of Surrey Parks Division. This layer is in its early stages of development and, thus, not all horticulture beds are identified.
Move up to Index Park Horticultural Zones
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays horticultural zone polygons that are maintained and/or operated by the City of Surrey Parks Division. Horticulture zones are specifically identified areas that contain significant horticulture/landscape development and receive moderately high to high horticulture maintenance service levels. The maintenance of all horticulture and trees in these areas is the responsibility of landscape maintenance staff in the Parks North and South Operations Sections.
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: An outdoor or indoor rectangular field with two opposing goal nets.
Move up to Index Other Recreational Sites
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Areas that are used to facilitate a broad range of recreational activities.
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays lights that are maintained and/or operated by the City of Surrey Parks Division. Feature types that are included in this layer are Sportsfield Lights, Court Lights, Parking Lot Lights, Path Lights, and Building Exterior Lights.
Move up to Index Park Lots and Names
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: Lots classified as Parks (City, Provincial, or Regional) labelled by their name. Developers are required to allow for a 5% park dedication to the City, therefore these dedicated parks are distinguished from City purchases using owner type City - Park Dedication versus City - Park Purchased.
Move up to Index Park Natural Areas
Maintained by: Parks Division
This layer displays natural areas that are maintained and/or operated by the Urban Forestry Section of the City of Surrey Parks Division. Feature types that are included in this layer are Forest - coniferous, Forest - deciduous, Forest - mixed, Grassland, and Shrubland.
Move up to Index Park Passive Grass
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays passive grass areas that are maintained and/or operated by the City of Surrey Parks Division. Feature types that are included in this layer are Well Groomed, Groomed, Moderate, Background, and Industrial grass areas.
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays paths that are maintained and/or operated by the North and South Operations Section of the City of Surrey Parks Division.
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays playgrounds and water playgrounds that are maintained and/or operated by the City of Surrey Parks Division.
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays screen trees that are maintained and/or operated by the City of Surrey Parks Division. In general, screen trees are those trees that are intended to serve as a visual and/or physical barrier between park land and private land.
Move up to Index Park Shelters and Tables
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays tables and shelters that are maintained and/or operated by the City of Surrey Parks Division. Feature types that are included in this layer are Permanent Tables, Portable Tables, Permanent Shelters, Portable Shelters, and Cooking Shelters.
Move up to Index Park Specimen Trees
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays street trees and park trees that are maintained and/or operated by the Urban Forestry Section of the City of Surrey Parks Division. The majority of trees that are represented in this layer are located within Parks, along major roads, or in front of townhouse/commercial/industrial properties. The trees that are included in this layer are only a partial inventory of all specimen trees that are managed by the Urban Forestry Section.
Move up to Index Park Sports Fields
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays grass and synthetic sports fields that are maintained and/or operated by the Athletic Field Operations Section of the City of Surrey Parks Division.
Maintained by: Facilities
Description: Facilities that used for recreational use such as sporting activities or viewing entertainment.
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: Recreational environment for skateboarders, rollerbladers and BMX riders to ride and further develop their technique. Skate Parks often contain half and quarter pipes, handrails and ramps.
Maintained by: Facilities
Description: A structure, often a concrete-lined excavation, that is filled with water and used for swimming.
Maintained by: GIS Section and Parks Division
Description: Location at which the game of Tennis is played. It is a rectangular surface where a low net is stretched accross the center.
Move up to Index Park Trails and Paths
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: This layer displays trails and paths that are maintained and/or operated by the City of Surrey Parks Division.
Move up to Index Trans Canada Trail
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: The Trans Canada Trail is a shared-use (walking, cycling, horseback riding, cross country skiing, and snowmobiling) recreational trail that traversing every Province and Territory in Canada. This layer is a line representation of the portion passing through the City of Surrey. See
Move up to Index Park Unimproved Parkland
Maintained by: Parks Division
Maintained by: Parks Division
Description: An amusement park that includes slides, fountains and other recreational devices that involve water.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Lines connecting points of equal elevation on a terrain surface. These lines help display changes in elevation by representing the locations of equal elevation. Contour lines are available for every metre of elevation. The 'Contours - 5 metre' layer displays every fifth line (every 5 metres of elevation change) with labelling. The 'Contours - Intermediate (1m)' layer provides all the other metres of elevation between the 5 metre intervals.
Maintained by: Traffic Ops and GIS Section
Description: Locations where intersection photographs have been taken and are available for viewing.
Maintained by: GIS Section and Traffic Operations
Description: Linear representations of no-post guardrails, guardrails, safety barriers, handrails and fencing located on transportation assets.
The subtypes are defined as:
No Post Guardrails- May be bull nose, transition, or barrier
Crash Attenuator - Devices to reduce the impact of a crash such as barrels or accordion style metal
Fencing - Any City of Surrey maintained fencing. Could be chain link, log rail, post and chain or ornamental
Highway No Post Guardrails - No-post guardrails located on a Highway
Maintained by: Traffic Operations and GIS Section
Maintained by: GIS Section and Transportation - Roads Planning Section
Maintained by: GIS Section
Move up to Index Road Classifications - Existing
Maintained by: Transportation - Roads Planning Section
Description: Existing road hierarchy according to function: i.e. Local, Collector, Arterial and Provincial Highway. It is the responsibility of the user to confirm the information provided with the Transportation Planning Section.
Move up to Index Road Classifications - Future
Maintained by: Transportation - Roads Planning Section
Description: Future road hierarchy according to function: i.e. Local, Collector, Arterial and Provincial Highway. It is the responsibility of the user to confirm the information provided with the Transportation Planning Section.
Maintained by: Traffic Operations and GIS Section
Move up to Index Fraser River Crossing - Proposed
Maintained by: Transportation - Roads Planning Section
Description: Proposed Translink connection to Golden Ears Bridge, see
Maintained by: Transportation - Roads Planning Section and Parks Planning and Design
Description: The Greenways Plan is a City wide network of off-street pedestrian/bicycle connections. It provides recreational opportunities and peaceful connections between town centres and major parks by taking advantage of natural ravines, utility corridors, forested ridges and "rails to trails" conversions.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Roads that have been around since the early days of Surrey along with their original names.
Maintained by: Engineering Operations
Description: A point feature representing the approximate location of litter bins.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Linear representations of raised medians within Surrey. This does not include painted medians maintained as pavement markings.
Central - A raised concrete median dividing a road
Island - Includes all raised medians not dividing the centre of a road. This includes turning lane islands, cul-de-sac islands and pork chop medians
Maintained by: Engineering Operations and GIS Section
Description: Miscellaneous feature types that require spatial representation for operational purposes, such as the maintenance of subdivision signs by the City, determining responsibility of a railway crossing, or maintenance of a retaining wall stabilizing steep ground at a road edge.
Move up to Index MOT Jurisdiction Corridor
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: An 800m wide corridor along Provincial Highways where any developments or changes in land-use requires approval from the Ministry of Transportation.
Move up to Index Non Motorized Routes
Maintained by: Transportation - Roads Planning Section and Parks Planning and Design
Description: These routes comprise all linear features that are not part of the road network and facilitate transport.
Maintained by: Traffic Operations and GIS Section
Description: A flashing green light that can be turned red by a pedestrian to stop the flow of traffic.
Maintained by: Transportation - Traffic Operations Section
Description: Light, Signal and Utility Poles.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Centre of ultimate road allowance; typically matches centre of pavement.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Labels indicating the numeric code system that is applied to every numbered and named roadway in the City.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Pavement edges, curbed or uncurbed.
Move up to Index Road ROW Requirements
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Indicates the property needs for future road widening purposes along specific Arterial and Collector Roads which differ from the City's typical requirements of a 30 m road allowance for arterials and 24 m road allowance for collectors. It is the responsibility of the user to confirm the information provided with the Transportation Planning Section.
Move up to Index Road ROW Requirements Downtown
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Indicates the property needs for future road widening purposes along all Roads within the core City Centre area. It is the responsibility of the user to confirm the information provided with the Transportation Planning Section.
Move up to Index S.F.P.R. - Proposed - CONFIDENTIAL
Maintained by: Transportation Planning on behalf of Ministry of Transportation (Gateway)
Description: South Fraser Perimeter Road - July 2004 alignment proposal. This information is confidential and for internal reference use only. Members of the public can view this information (e.g. at the Engineering Front Counter) but are NOT permitted to take the information with them. As such, print-outs containing this information are not to be released to the public. For further information, members of the public may contact the Gateway Information Line at 604-456-2420.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Zones at which a snow plough vechicle is used to remove snow from roads and railroad tracks.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Typically, 1.5m wide concrete or asphalt sidewalks reprsented by sidewalk centrelines.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Sign database inventory, including signs indicating the historic name of a given road.
Maintained by: Not Maintained; Static Layer
Description: This layer depicts skytrain guideways digitized from an aerial photograph. These are NOT legal Rights of Ways (ROW). Please see the Utility Right of Way layer in Cadastre for legal ROW's.
Maintained by: Traffic Operations and GIS Section
Description: A crosswalk with enhanced visibility by use of a flashing amber light activated by pedestrians.
Maintained by: Engineering Transportation Planning and GIS Section
Description: Representation of devices used to control the flow of traffic.
Speed humps are rounded raised areas of asphalt on the roadway that are usually 80mm in height. They are placed lengthwise across the roadway, so that drivers cannot avoid traversing them.
Speed Tables, like speed humps, are also raised areas of asphalt on the roadway that are usually 80mm in height, but are flattened at the top. Speed tables are typically wide enough for the wheelbase of a car, and have ramps provided at the approaches.
Raised intersections are the elevated areas where an entire intersection including crosswalks is raised by using ramps on all approaches.
Raised crosswalks are speed tables placed at crosswalk locations with appropriate signage and pavement marking.
Traffic circles are raised centre islands located in intersections that provide for right of way control. They require vehicles to circulate counter-clockwise around the island at lower speeds. The centre island can be landscaped or painted to increase visibility and attractiveness.
Curb extensions are horizontal intrusion of the curb into the roadway resulting in a narrower section of roadway. The curb is extended on one or both sides of the roadway.
Maintained by: Traffic Operations and GIS Section
Description: An electronic signal at the corner of an interesection to control the right of way for different approaches. The point feature represents the entire traffic signal intersection rather than the individual signal at each corner of the intersection.
Maintained by: Transportation - Roads Planning Section
Description: Coast Mountain Bus Company designated routes. While data is updated daily by CMBC, the GIS Section is given the data quarterly to update in the City's GIS. For more information see
Maintained by: Transportation - Roads Planning Section
Description: Coast Mountain Bus Company designated stops. While data is updated daily by CMBC, the GIS Section is given the data quarterly to update in the City's GIS. For more information see Bus stops provided have the status of ACTIVE and OTHER only. ACTIVE: bus stops that are currently in service as of delivery date. OTHER: bus stops that are in West Vancouver, Lions Bay, and Bowen Island. This also includes bus stops that are classified as skytrain stations, seabus terminals, West Coast Express train stations, and flagstops.
Maintained by: Engineering Transportation Planning and GIS Section
Description: City designated truck routes with some restrictions.
Maintained by: Engineering Operations
Description: Representation of all vehicular bridges in the City of Surrey. Attributes are derived from the Engineering Operations Bridge Inventory. Notable attributes include construction type and the presence and material of sidewalks and tire railings on either side of the bridge. Bridge sidewalks are treated as part of the bridge structure for maintenance purposes and are therefore excluded from the Sidewalks feature class.
Move up to Index Winter Maintenance Routes
Maintained by: Engineering Operations
Description: Type of salt, sand, brine or plough vehicle that operates on a road as part of first or second priority winter maintenance.
Move up to Index 200 Year Flood Plain
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: The area that can be expected to flood, on average, once every 200 years. This is called the 200-year flood and can occur at any time in any given year. The indicated flood limit may be exceeded and portions of the floodplain can flood more frequently. The delineation of the flood plain is estimated by the BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Grated openings to collect surface runoff.
Move up to Index Drainage Casings and Sleeves
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Protective metal casing around a main.
Move up to Index Drainage Detention Ponds
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: A man-made pond providing storage of stormwater drainage in order to control the rate of outflow or discharge. The pond can be "wet" where a minimum depth of water is maintained year round or "dry" where the pond is empty between rainstorms and can function as open spaces for other uses.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Drainage elements that are along a main or open channel that regulate, control or facilitate flow of storm water. Some devices, such as Caps and Cleanouts, are for access/cleaning/investigative purposes only.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Small to moderate depressions created to channel drainage water.
Move up to Index Drainage Driveway Culverts
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Pipe crossing in a ditch to allow driveway access onto a property.
Move up to Index Drainage Erosion Protection Works
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Locations where various captial works projects have taken place to prevent erosion of stream banks. This layers also indicates where erosion sites have been identified where future works may occur. Erosion protection can occur on a bank or stream bed.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Classification of an open water course indicating its value as fish habitat.
Classes A and A(O) denote year round presence of salmonid species and healthy creek habitat.
Class B indicates streams and creeks that provide food and nutrients to downstream watercourses, but do not support fish.
Class C are typically ditches with insignificant food and nutrient input where fish are not present.
Move up to Index Drainage Flood Control
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Features that control the flow of stormwater during peak rain periods.
Move up to Index Drainage Flow Arrows
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Direction of storm water flow in the storm sewer system.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: A protective device on a headwall in order to stop debris from entering the drainage system via a pipe.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Pipes connecting the City storm sewer main to an inlet device, such as a Catch or Lawn Basin.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Underground storm sewer pipes including roadway culvert crossings. (Offset markings are in metres)
Move up to Index Drainage Major Catchments
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Tributary drainage boundaries for major creeks and watersheds. These boundaries are based on ground topography and the service areas of the storm sewer pipe system.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Ground surface access hatch to inspect and maintain storm sewer pipes.
Move up to Index Drainage Monitoring Stations
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Devices used for the measurement of rainfall, water quality, water depth and water flow.
Move up to Index Drainage Main Offsets
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Distance (in metres) between the drainage main and some legal lines, commonly the property line.
Move up to Index Drainage Pump Stations
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Facilities that pump collected stormwater back into the hydrologic system.
Move up to Index Drainage Service Connections
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Service pipes connecting the City storm sewer main to a private property.
Move up to Index SHIM - Cross Sections
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Indicates location of channel cross sections collected from Sensitive Habitat Inventory Mapping (SHIM).
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Areas of interest and data collection points for Sensitive Habitat Inventory Mapping (SHIM).
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Waterways included in Sensitive Habitat Inventory Mapping (SHIM).
Move up to Index Drainage Sub Catchments
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Defined geographic limits of the sub-drainage areas which form the Major Drainage Catchments.
Move up to Index Drainage Water Bodies
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Features depicting water bodies associated with Drainage activities, such as small Lakes, Wetlands and Forebays (for Pump Stations), excluding Detention Ponds.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Open drainage channels which include creeks and rivers.
Move up to Index Drainage White Rock Lines
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Underground storm sewer pipes belonging to the City of White Rock.
Move up to Index Drainage White Rock Nodes
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Ground surface access hatch to inspect and maintain storm sewer pipes belonging to the City of White Rock.
Move up to Index Sanitary Casings and Sleeves
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Protective metal casing around a main.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Areas serviced by a sewer main or a system of sewer mains or a sanitary lift station.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: End point of a lateral connection at the property line for the purpose of inspection.
Move up to Index Sanitary Flow Arrows
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Direction of the sewage flow in the sewer.
Move up to Index Sanitary Flow System Nodes
Maintained by: GIS Section
Move up to Index GVRD Fraser Sewer Area
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: The servicing boundary in which the GVRD will accept sanitary sewerage to GVRD Waste Water Treatment Plants.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Service pipes from the City sewer main to the property line of the property being served.
Move up to Index Sanitary Lift Stations
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Lift Stations pump sewage collected at a lower elevation to a higher elevation.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Underground sanitary sewer pipes. City sewer mains carry sewage flow from individual property connections to a general collection area, such as a treatment plant.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Manholes are underground access structures along sanitary mains for the purpose of accessing and maintaining the sanitary mains.
Move up to Index N.G.I. Phase 1 and 2 - Proposed - CONFIDENTIAL
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: CONFIDENTIAL Proposed interceptor main.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Move up to Index Sanitary Main Offsets
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Distance (in metres) between the sanitary main and some legal lines, commonly the property line.
Move up to Index Sanitary Project Labels
Maintained by: GIS Section
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Points that control sewage flow.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: High voltage tranmission wires transporting electricity (three types: duct bank lines, underground primary and underground secondary), which are owned by BC Hydro. This information was shared by BC Hydro through the Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) and is imported once a year in May.
Move up to Index Capital Construction (year)
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Areas of major infrastructure projects being completed by the City of Surrey in the indicated year
Move up to Index Sanitary Methane Lines
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Gas lines connected to Port Mann Landfill to remove methane build up.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: General location of the Trans Mountain Pipeline. Owned and operated by Kinder Morgan Canada. This information was shared by Kinder Morgan through the Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) and is imported once a year in May.
Move up to Index Telecom Distribution Lines
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Underground lines to convey cable signals, owned and operated by Telus or Shaw. This information was shared by both Telus and Shaw through the Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) and is imported once a year in May.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: The Ten Year Plan identifies all of the Municipal Engineering works (Road, Drainage, Water and Sewer) required to service the current population and the projected growth in population within the next ten years.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Gas mains used to convey natural gas, which are owned and operated by Terasen Inc. This information was shared by Terasen Gas through the Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) and is imported once a year in May.
Move up to Index Worksyard Area Boundaries
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Areas of Surrey maintained/serviced by different sections of the City's works yard crews.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: A complex device containing many components, such as an Air Valve, Blow Down and Blow Off, used to release air and drain down water mains.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: A chamber structure containing objects such as a Valve Chamber, Zone Meter, Pressure Reducing or Pressure Sustaining.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: A device used for the connection of several water mains and may be used to reduce a water main pipe size to a smaller diameter.
Maintained by: GIS Section, OPERATING_STATUS attribute maintained by Engineering Operations
Description: An outlet from a water main in which a hose can be attached for fire-fighting purposes.
Move up to Index Water Hydrant Connections
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: A service connection from main to hydrant, typically 150mm in diameter.
Move up to Index Water Intersection Details
Maintained by: Legacy Data; Reference Only
Description: Reference numbers to hard copy sketches of the water distribution at selected intersections available at the GIS Section, Engineering Planning and Engineering Operations. Data are no longer maintained in this manner and may now be found through links to As Built drawings on COSMOS, as well as attribute information of geographic features, such as Chambers.
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: A pipe (underground) used to convey potable water.
Move up to Index Water Main Offsets
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Distance (in metres) between the water main and some legal lines, commonly the property line.
Maintained by: GIS Section, Engineering Planning and Taxes
Description: Devices used to measure the amount of water that flows through water connections. This layer is a spatial representation of data stored in the City's taxation system.
Move up to Index Water Meters - Proposed
Maintained by: GIS Section, Engineering Planning and Taxes
Description: A spatial representation of Single Family Dwellngs that have final plumbing complete and have been sent to a contractor for a new water meter install.
Move up to Index Water Pipe Bridges
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Point layer to indicate where a main pipe travels above ground over another feature, such as a road or creek.
Move up to Index Water Pipe Protection
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Protective casing, encasement, cover or sleeve around a main.
Move up to Index Water Pressure Zones
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: Areas of the water distribution system grouped by the pressure setting of the system.
Maintained by: Legacy Data; Reference Only
Description: Reference numbers to hard copy sketches of the water distribution at Pressure Reducing Valve locations available at the GIS Section, Engineering Planning and Engineering Operations. Data are no longer maintained in this manner and may now be found through links to As Built drawings on COSMOS, as well as attribute information of geographic features, such as Chambers.
Move up to Index Water Sampling Stations
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: A device used to measure water quality as it traverses a water main.
Move up to Index Water Service Connections
Maintained by: GIS Section, OPERATING_STATUS attribute maintained by Engineering Operations
Description: A service pipe used to deliver potable water from the water main to the property line of the property being serviced.
Move up to Index Water Service Connection Offsets
Maintained by: GIS Section
Description: The distance (in metres) between the water connection and a legal boundary line, typically, a property line.
Move up to Index Water Utility Facilities
Maintained by: GIS Section, OPERATING_STATUS attribute maintained by Engineering Operations
Description: Various facilities to withdraw potable water from groundwater sources (Wells), to temporarily store potable water (Reservoirs and Tanks), to pump potable water to a higher pressure (Pump Stations) and to allow water to be distributed (Filling Station).
Maintained by: GIS Section, OPERATING_STATUS attribute maintained by Engineering Operations
Description: A device for controlling the flow of potable water through a water main.
Move up to Index Water Valve Chamber Details
Maintained by: Legacy Data; Reference Only
Description: Description: Description: Reference numbers to hard copy sketches of the water distribution at Valve Chamber locations available at the GIS Section, Engineering Planning and Engineering Operations. Data are no longer maintained in this manner and may now be found through links to As Built drawings on COSMOS, as well as attribute information of geographic features, such as Chambers.