Every rental manager likes their own forms. What's offered here is a complete set of landlord forms that you can modify. These forms are a good starting place for Massachusetts rental real estate.
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If you customize a form, please do two things. First, leave the copyright notice and terms in the footer. This alerts anyone who may see your version of the form (e.g., an attorney) to the fact that these forms are licensed to you for your business only. Second, please write "Adapted under license from" prior to our copyright mark. This makes it clear to the courts or others that these are not necessarily the same forms available on our site.
Disclaimer: The content and materials provided on this site are meant to be for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this site is meant to act as legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Much of the content is provided by third-parties and is not vetted by MassLandlords. We advise you contact an attorney.
Imagine your business is a "process" for providing temporary housing. The process has different steps:
A note about file format: all of the forms are available in either Microsoft Word .docx, Microsoft Excel .xlsx, or Adobe .pdf. If you require a different format, email dquattrochi@masslandlords.net.
We intend to review these forms and update them when one of three things happen:
Revisions for each document are identified by a version number in the file name. When you download the file, keep the version number. The next time you use your forms, you can compare each file's version number with the latest version listed here. You can then read our revision comments to see if you wish to update your form to our latest version.
A history of major reviews:
Although we always ask attorneys during our review process, our rental forms remain member-generated. See disclaimer at top of page and terms of use.
First Published October 24th, 2017 | Updated April 25th, 2023 Posted in advice, groups, News - 10 Comments
Rental Agreement Rundown: A Review of the MassLandlords Rental Forms - Review of the MassLandlords rental forms by a Boston Housing Court attorney.
The Largest Landlord Association in New England”, MassLandlords logo in blue and gold, and a “Join Today” button." />
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