Spirit Husband or Wife? How to Divorce them

A woman with long hair and a white dress

Some of you have even met your spirit wives and husbands. They show up in your dreams making love to you. BIG RED FLAG. Or perhaps one night you were sleeping and you felt a presence climb on top of you causing extreme terror as they squeezed the breath out of you. Someone reading this who has had this experience will know what I mean.
They can enter and start manifesting in one’s life through various means which includes:

1. Immorality.
2. Pornography/Sex toys.
3. Spirit wife/husband can be inherited.
4. Evil dedication of individual.
6. Under manipulation.
7. Through tattooing and incision

Sexual relationships in dreams
Hatred of marriage
Being jilted by serious partners
Missing one’s menstrual period in the dream
Pregnancy in the dream
Breast-feeding a baby in the dream
Having a family in the dream
Shopping with a man/ woman in the dream
Seeing a man sleeping by one’s side in the dream
Sudden Hatred by earthly spouse
Serious gynaecological problems
Having a miscarriage after sexual dreams
Dream marriages
Constant wet dreams
Late marriage or no marriage at all

My body is the temple of God therefore no spirit have control over my body
Spirit husband/spirit wife; release me now, in the name of Jesus.
Every spirit husband/wife, I divorce you by the blood of Jesus.
Every spirit wife/every spirit husband, die, in the name of Jesus.
Everything you have deposited in my life, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Every power that is working against my marriage, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
I divorce and renounce my marriage with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
I break all covenants entered into with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
I command the thunder fire of God to burn to ashes the wedding gown, ring, photographs and all other materials used for the marriage, in Jesus’ name.
I send the fire of God to burn to ashes the marriage certificate, in the name of Jesus.
I break every blood and soul-tie covenants with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
I reject the children born to the marriage, in Jesus’ name.
I withdraw my blood, sperm or any other part of my body deposited on the altar of the spirit husband or wife, in Jesus name.
You spirit husband or wife tormenting my life and earthly marriage I bind you with hot chains and fetters of God and cast you out of my life into the deep pit, and I command you not to ever come into my life again, in the name of Jesus.
I return to you, every property of yours in my possession in the spirit world, including the dowry and whatsoever was used for the marriage and covenants, in the name of Jesus.
I drain myself of all evil materials deposited in my body as a result of our sexual relation, in Jesus’ name.
Lord, send Holy Ghost fire into my root and burn out all unclean things deposited in it by the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
The only way to get rid of this thing is through bona-fide repentance and prayers. You have to close that door. And you do it by renouncing the very practices that led that door to be opened in the first place, That’s why I always say keep your doors closed.
Then submit yourself to Jesus Christ. Jesus name carries major weight in the spiritual realm. All other spirits must bow in respect to his greater authority. Once you have attach yourself to Jesus, you now have the power to evict that spirit husband or wife from your life and break all attachments.

I need a Savior, a Deliverer. Lord Jesus, I believe you paid the price for my sin and shame when you went to the cross on my behalf. I do not have to bear the weight of it any longer. Jesus, I pray that Your blood would wash over my mind, my body and my spirit and make me clean. Renew in me a pure thought life. I come to you to ask you for healing from lust, perverse spirits and demonic attachments of incubus and succubus spirits. I take responsibility for the things I’ve done, the things I’ve allowed, and even things that have been done to me against my will. Right now I forgive ______ (speak the names of those that have sinned against you) so that I can also have my own sins forgiven, and I ask You to empower me to do so. As a matter of my will, I choose to forgive them and ask that You, Father, give me grace and strength to not take this offense back into my heart. I ask that You heal those that have perpetrated sins against me, and set us free from the perversity and sin that has had us bound. Lord Jesus, I give myself to You and ask that You forgive my sin. Please forgive the sin of my family and ancestors. Forgive all the ways that we all rejected You and rebelled against your ways, and exerted our independence from You. Forgive idolatry, witchcraft, involvement with the occult, shedding innocent blood, broken vows and covenants. Forgive the many things we have done to deny Your Lordship. Let Your blood cover our sins, I pray. Be Lord of my life. I take You as my Savior, Master, Husband, Friend, and Lord. I will not have any other gods besides You. I make a covenant with You, Jesus. Help me to be faithful to You. Thank you, Father, for accepting me and adopting me into the kingdom of God.

Satan, you are not my husband or my master. I renounce you. I divorce you. I want nothing to do with you ever again. I reject your seed and your lies. I reject, refuse, renounce and divorce all unclean demonic spirits of perversity including incubus, mare and succubus spirits, spirits of lust, pornography, pedophilia, voyeurism, domination, brutality, homosexuality, confusion, gender confusion, astral projection and spirit travel, mischievous and trouble-making spirits, spirits of double-mindedness, unbelief, sodomy, rape, anger, rage, bitterness, unforgiveness, witchcraft, lust, idolatry, hardheartedness, accusation, familiar and familial spirits, pride, rebellion, and death. I renounce and divorce Lilu and Lilith, and all the offspring that comes from Satan and his demons. If there is anything of Satan’s seed implanted within me, I command it to shrivel and die immediately in the name and authority of Jesus Christ. I repent for any ways that I have knowingly or unknowingly come into agreement with these spirits, and I humbly submit myself to the Lord Jesus Christ and the authority of His Holy Spirit.

I submit to You, O God, and I resist the enemy, commanding him to flee from me and take everything he has put on me, everything he has brought into my life, and every seed that he has implanted into my belief system. I reject every seed of Satan I command them to die immediately, in Jesus name. I curse Satan’s seed and declare, “YOU WILL BEAR NO MORE FRUIT EVER AGAIN,†by the name and authority of Jesus Christ. His blood covers these sins and I command these doors to be shut, never to open again.

Let every cord of sin, shame, fear, witchcraft, and soul ties from ungodly sources be severed now, in Jesus name. I renounce the soul ties to former lovers, spouses, and others that may be tied to me in the spirit. Let any fragments of their souls return to them, and let any scattered and fragmented parts of my soul return to me, in Jesus name. Let all those that would practice astral projection, spirit travel, witchcraft or other occult practices against me find the door closed. Let there be blindness into this evil eye now. I bind and forbid the entrance or demonic spirits into my life in Jesus name, according to your promise in Matthew 18:18. What is bound on earth has already been bound in heaven.

I loose myself from all shame, resentment, fear, insecurity and feelings of inferiority that have come upon me as a result of sexual molestation and other sins against my body – both those that were done without my consent, and those that I may have participated in – willingly or unwillingly. I reject and refuse all perverse spirits, lying spirits, familiar spirits, incubus and succubus spirits, mare spirits, Lilith and Lilu spirits, and Lust. I command them to go now back to the abyss in Jesus name. I bind the screech owl that brings terror by night and forbid it to enter my life, that of my family or my home, in the name and authority of Jesus Christ.

I submit to You, O God, and I resist the enemy, commanding him to flee from me and take everything he has put on me, everything he has brought into my life, and every seed that he has implanted into my belief system and go now. I command all evil trees, ungodly seeds and demonic roots to come out, shrivel and die immediately, in Jesus name. Let all evil trees be pulled up by the roots out of my life now in Jesus name. I command every spirit that does not worship Jesus Christ; every spirit that does not confess Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, and any spirit that does not declare Jesus Christ as Master to leave me and my household at once, in the name of Jesus.

I receive by faith the healing for my mind, my emotions, my body and spirit. I receive by faith the mind of Christ, and I choose this day to pull up the root of bitterness and replace it with the love of God. I ask You Lord to plant forgiveness, purity, obedience, peace, joy and love in place of bitterness. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and let the spirit of adoption be poured out into my heart in Jesus name. Let your love and acceptance captivate my heart, O God.

I receive by faith healing for my emotions, belief system, and perspective towards God, myself and others. I declare: “Because the Great I AM lives within me, I become what YOU are, O God. Because the living word of God dwells within me; You are transforming me, renewing my mind, to become the living word, as Your truth is lived out in me. You are transforming me to become the anointed of God. I am not a victim, I am victorious. I do not fear, the enemy is fearful of me. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up against me is refuted according to Your word in Isaiah 54:17. I walk in the fullness of God, in Jesus name.

I thank you, Lord Jesus, for being my healer, restorer, redeemer and protector. I thank you for replacing every lie in my belief system with the truth that will set me free. Thank You, Holy Spirit for releasing revelation as to my true identity in Christ.Show me how You see me. Show me if I have believed lies about my true identity. I thank You for establishing and settling me in faith and truth, in Jesus name.

Help me, Lord Jesus, to identify and break free from any relationships that are unhealthy and undesirable in Your eyes. Help me to honor Your word, Your will and Your wishes. You know my weaknesses; I pray for strength to overcome them. For those things that You know I cannot or will not be able to overcome in my own strength, I pray that You would take them out of my hand and let it be done according to Your will for my life and for the benefit of Your will carried out in the lives of others, too. Lord, replace those relationships with better ones that will strengthen me in my walk with you, and fill the void for love, relationship and friendship.

Father God, I thank You for overcoming victory. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and empower me to live for You. Help me to live a life that honors You and brings You glory. In Jesus name, Amen.