Welcome to the Divorce web form (VS-300). This web form will be used to generate and print a CERTIFICATE OF DIVORCE OR ANNULMENT (VS-300). A completed VS-300 must include all required fields for party one, party two, and the attorney or pro se. Once all required fields are completed, a PDF will be generated of the VS-300. The petitioner, or the petitioner's attorney or legal representative, shall file the completed VS-300, concurrently with the petition for dissolution of marriage.
- If an individual is completing the Divorce web form (VS-300) in lieu of an “ATTORNEY FOR PLANTIFF”, please provide the individual’s name and corresponding information requested.
- GENERATE COMPLETED VS-300 FORM by selecting the “GENERATE DIVORCE RECORD” button. Once selected the completed information will be submitted electronically to Vital Statistics. The “GENERATE DIVORCE RECORD” button will not work unless all required fields (*) are completed.
- RETRIEVE COMPLETED VS-300 FORM from the submission page by selecting link “Click here to download and print the generated VS-300 PDF”. The completed VS-300 will open in a PDF format for viewing, printing, and saving.
- OVS CASE NUMBER will display in the upper left-hand corner for completed VS-300 forms. This case number will be used by OVS. Example case number: DVE-202300100001. NEW REQUESTS can be complete by selecting “Click here to add another divorce record” from the submission page. This should be used for new requests ONLY
- For more details on how to generate a VS-300, please refer to the Instructions in the upper right-hand corner or contact us at the information below.
If you have further questions, please contact
Help Desk Phone: 877-545-6175
Local: 502-564-9926